Photographing neon signs isn’t like taking regular photos of l和scapes or faces. 这是因为这个主题本身就很有启发性! You’re taking a picture of a light source, so your approach needs to be slightly different.


这种摄影很有趣. We’ve all seen those shots of busy city intersections 和 elevated highways where car head 和 tail lamps blur into long streaks. 但, getting neon photography right is tricky 和 not like anything else you’ve ever snapped a picture of. 


幸运的是, this post can help when it comes to perfecting your craft when a bright light is your subject. 在本文中, we’ll run through some tips 和 tricks you can use to do a reasonable job of it, 然后是一些十大买球平台在北京拍照的常见问题 霓虹博物馆 在拉斯维加斯.





你要做的第一件事就是变换角度. Try taking photos of neon signs from down low or from the side while obeying the 三分法则. These irregular angles can make neon signs look more impressive than in real life photos. Additionally, this type of shooting generates more visual interest than those taken head-on.




另一个专业建议是在晚上给霓虹灯拍照. 你可能会说,“嗯,废话”,但这有一个很好的理由. 完全的黑暗强调了光源 周围表面的纹理,而不仅仅是主体.


We’ve all seen well-shot photos of city street signs at night where you can see every contour of the wet pavement below. 就像你第一次看到4K屏幕一样! That’s because the human eye doesn’t usually see so much detail in darkened settings.




你也可以试着玩一下 长时间曝光 使你的照片饱和. 这种技术赋予了镜头超凡脱俗的外观, 改变生成图像的动态. You won’t usually be able to get this type of photo on a phone, so you’ll need a 数码单反相机 或同等. You might also need a tripod (to keep the camera still during the exposure) 和 options that let you adjust the ISO 和 aperture. 


You probably won’t pull off a long-exposure shot perfectly the first time, but keep practicing. Fine tuning exposure times depend on lighting conditions until you get something that makes you happy.




虽然JPEG是一种方便的格式,但它并不适合霓虹灯摄影. 默认情况下,它会导致图像数据丢失,从而破坏预期的效果. RAW is a better format when it comes to getting your neon photos to really st和 out.


RAW mode preserves more original image data 和 can provide a sharper image containing plenty of details. 如果你的相机或设备没有足够的空间, you can experiment with downscaling photos later or transfer them to a computer hard drive. You also have the option of playing around with various compression algorithms to see 哪一个 preserves the aesthetic you want before editing. 




Another pro tip for neon light photography is to adjust your white balance. If this setting is slightly off, it can make images look overly saturated 和 unnatural. 当然, 你可能想要这个. 但一般来说,这不是最好的方法. 


If your camera has a color temperature option, change it to see what works. Adjust the Kelvin scale to improve contrast 和 definition without making the image look like a washout. 




This one might seem obvious, but avoiding busy places is also another trick for neon photography. 市区, 在任何城市, on Saturday nights are usually thronging with people ready to wreck your shots. Finding neon signs outside city centers is possible, but you must keep your eyes peeled. 大多数都在码头或城外的购物区, 哪一个, 幸运的是, 通常在天黑后被遗弃. 


如果你住在拉斯维加斯或只是游览该地区, 你可以去十大买球平台找一个 霓虹灯招牌过多 试验:试验和练习. 在这里, you will find plenty of opportunities to take unadulterated photos of contemporary 和 vintage neon illuminations at your leisure.




另一个关键因素是避免过度曝光, 这是许多摄影师在拍摄霓虹灯招牌时遇到的一个常见问题. Leaving the camera shutter open too long can wash out the details 和 make the photo look amateurish. 同样,你需要调整快门曝光时间. 经常, you will need to adjust the time interval within a few tenths of a second to get the best results.




Shooting during the rain is another excellent way to take the best possible neon sign photography. Lights can reflect off droplets on surrounding window panes 和 pavements, 进一步提高最终图像的细节和复杂性. By doing this, you’re sure to get a shot that truly st和s out 和 impresses your audience!




最后,你可以考虑在你的照片中添加一个人体主体. Neon signs provide stunning illumination for portraits, giving them an earthy, mysterious feel. Plus, less light forces you to be more creative with how you use the camera. 拍摄对象在场景中的位置变得至关重要, 你必须优先考虑图像中的特定元素. Changing their position slightly can fundamentally transform the portrait 和 the outcome of the image.





十大买球平台提供各种拍摄霓虹灯的机会. 活动包括肖像时间,照片散步,和私人拍摄. 参观霓虹博物馆 今天!




Companies are welcome to take shots for editorial or commercial use at the Neon Museum. 只需预订私人拍摄. 您可以随身携带三脚架和摄影器材. 




十大买球平台不是一个室内场所. All our photo opportunities are outside, so we recommend considering the temperature before booking. 我们这个地区夏天的温度可高达49°C. 




Portrait Hour is an opportunity to take personal portraits with your own photographer in a shared space. Costs are just $75 和 lower for 退伍军人, local residents, 和 students. 




Photo walks are opportunities to take photos of the sign collection at your leisure with your chosen equipment. 内华达州居民可以享受折扣, 老年人, 退伍军人, 及持有效证件的学生. 


If you still have questions about taking neon pictures at 霓虹博物馆, 请探索我们剩下的 常见问题 以及我们的 电影 & 摄影师政策 确保你为你的拍摄做好了充分的准备.


No matter if you’re 在拉斯维加斯 or another bright city where neon lights are a key element of the city, this blog should help you get ready for your upcoming shoot to capture the beautiful lights 和 end up with a picture that you’re proud to share. 出去射击吧!



